Get started on your next learning adventure
Choose the method that’s most convenient

Important: Read the following before signing up for any course.
- Before completing this form, you must be thoroughly familiar with all course prerequisites, schedules and requirements.
- You must complete any eLearning before the first classroom session.
- You cannot sign up for any Open Water Diver classroom/pool course unless you have first completed the mandatory orientation session.
- No reservation for training is considered confirmed until we receive payment in full.
You can sign up for our courses in any of three different ways.
- In person: Just stop by during normal business hours. We can answer all your questions and you can pick up any equipment items you may need for your class.
- Over the phone: Just call (504) 888-4882.
- On line: Use the form below to get started. Then call us back during normal business hours to complete the enrollment process.
About the medical history questions
- If you can honestly answer No to all the questions under Medical History, you need to do nothing else.
- On the other hand, if you must answer Yes to one of the Medical History questions, we will send you a form to take to your doctor for their approval. You must do this before the start of class.
- Note to women: If you are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant, do not dive.
Important: If, after clicking the Send button, you do not see a message indicating that the form was successfully sent, it most likely means you did not fill out a required field. Please supply the missing information and try again.